So we started our day out being with FIRST in line at Glenn Becks book signing. I got there at 10:40 and had to wait in line until he arrived around 12:15. While I was waiting & before Brett got there, the radio station I won VIP tickets from 570 KNRS requested me to take a picture and do a quick interview with Bob Lonsberry who is a local AM talk radio host. He was hilarious & so fun to meet!

Here we are with Bob Lonsberry at the 'meet & greet' before Glenn's show.
The lady we asked to take our picture was HI-LAR-IOUS! She took about 4 different pictures of us all together cuz she wanted different backgrounds for our pictures.
Bob Lonsberry & I are laughing pretty hard in this picture because I had just cracked a joke and he found it to be pretty hilarious. Would you expect anything less from me?!!!

This is when Glenn first walked into the "VIP" room - he was losing his voice so he had to either talk really quiet OR talk in "Yoggie the bear's" voice like his voice coach told him to do.

This guy was first in line to speak with Glenn. He was seriously talking to him for like 5 minutes! As I was in line waiting {I was 2nd in line cuz I butted!}, Bob Lonsberry came up to me and asked "What is it like to be the most attractive woman in the room"? I'm not joking!
It was funny cuz I said "its a LOT of pressure cuz you've got to keep things cool & calm but I felt like I was doing a pretty good job". What else can I say, its always nice to meet a fan! JK! ;}

Here was my chance to have a one on one with Glenn.
He has such a warmth about him. He seems very humble & happy you are there to support him.

I got enough courage up in my little hear to tell Glen the following:
"Um...I wanted to tell you...I just want you to know I appreciate you waking me up."
{Meaning he has made me aware of important issues that are going on in our world & I'm trying to educate myself & others around me too}.
This was {obviously} when I was telling him all of this & SECONDS before Glenn gave me a hug. I was the only one he gave a hug to!
That looks like you had a really fun day! I am so happy that you won that and had so much fun! You look so cute! And brett looks great too!
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