Left to Right: Erin, Jen Yates, Jen Clyde, Julie, Katrina, Karolynn, Nikki, Hillari, Me :)
Me and Katrina

On Wednesday night we all got together to celebrate Katrina's birthday that was on the 18th. It was so much fun to sit and socialize. It was a picture taking frenzy this night - I'm not sure there was really one second when there wasn't a flash going!
I wasn't feeling well earlier this day, so I'm glad that by the time we were suppose to meet for dinner I was feeling a lot better.
Thanks for the invite - it was so much fun to get to know all of these cute girlies so much better!
Happy Birthday Katrina :D
Looks fun! That is one gorgeous group of girls - people probably thought you were celebrities from Sundance!
Hey britt!!
That was so much fun to have you there!!! You need to come to the movie if you can!
Thanks Danielle - that would be awesome if ppl thought that!
My friends are still figuring out the cabin trip thingy, Kat-a-rina but Linds & I are for sure coming to the movie if I don't go :D
Happy Birthday to Katrina! What a fun night and such a cute group a girls. :)
3 yrs? That would be hard! Isn't it so worth it, though? I'm so glad it finally happened. Thank you for the sweet note. :)
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