Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Crucial Week & Counting...

Man...today I am down right bummed.
Elections are in one week & we will officially have a new President.
When I hear of people who is supporting Obama that I know, I literally throw my hands up in the air. I ask them "WHY" are they supporting him and every single one of them cannot give me one good reason. Its because the person they are supporting, Obama they have nothing strong to say about him as to why they are giving him their support, or even worse....their vote!
I truly believe that those who are supporting Obama unfortunately are simply uneducated. This does not mean that they are "stupid" by any means, but sadly entirely unaware of what he stands for and what his Presidential policies are.
American's have lost touch with who we use to be. Hard workers, make your OWN way in the world, capitalism, & true freedom that does not encourage bigger government.
If this is not the case, if we haven't fallen away from our nations traditions & characteristics then HOW is it that Obama is potentially our next President?!?!?
It brings rolling tears to my eye's just thinking of how Obama said on a radio interview back in 2001 that "our Constitution has fundemental flaws; not politically but economically".
How can a man who believes that YOUR wealth & MY wealth should be re-distrubted amongst those who have not worked as hard as us to earn our lifestyles, whatever that lifestly may be.
I, personally do not deserve to live the lifestlye of Bill Gates BECAUSE I have not accomplished all of the things he has! SO...why should I feel as though I am entitled to his type of lifestyle when I haven't EARNED it!?!?!?
What an INSULT for Obama to say, & even worse to actually believe that HIS policies are "better" than what our Founding Fathers, who were truly inspired by God himself, to create guidelines and ways for this great nation to be ruled by!
Some are not aware that Obama has closely on his advisory board one of the top guys from Fannie May advising Obama on the housing market! In case some of you have been living under a ROCK, Fannie May just got a $700 BILLION (+ antoher $495 Billion + another $500 BILLION) bail out! And who (Fannie May) in the first week after the bail out was approved took a LAVISH $500,000 trip to an exclusive resort! THIS is who is advising Obama on our housing market...a company that just went severly bankrupt!
These are only a few reasons why it is so upsetting to me that people are serious about supporting this non-patriotic man who wouldn't even wear a flag pin on his blazer, because he didn't want to offend those nations who do not like America! This is a joke, right?
I've heard in the past that our Constitution will be hanging by a thread". I'm not sure if that is doctrine, or prophecy, or just rumors? However I can absolutely see this happening especially now that Obama actually believes that our sacred Constitution is "fundamentally flawed"!!!!


Krista and Aaron said...

I voted early! Are you proud of me?

Brett & Brittany said...

YES! Good girl!!!
What a great example you are to your little Gavin!

I'm assuming it was a vote AGAINST Obama. If not, let me just believe that okay?!

HA ha

love ya Krid :D

Janean said...

I totally agree with all you have to say. I felt like I just turned on the Rush Limbaugh show.. LOL. you go girl.

Brett & Brittany said...

Ha Ha - Thanks Nean! And surprisingly enough, I do in fact listen to Rush any chance I can get! "Mega Dido's"! ;}

lwilley said...

I seriously can't believe you didn't like Twilight. Something must be wrong with you? Are you ok? I loved it!!! I will be buying it as soon as it comes out. I will always keep it in my DVD player so it's ready to go!