Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Shoes - Beautiful shoes

These are the CUTEST friggin shoes in the world! On the back of them there is a mirror. HELLO! Talk about ingenius AND functional too ;) I found them on for $9.99!!! On Zappos they were like $80+ (I think?). Go figure they don't have my ever popular size: 8 otherwise these pups would be MINE!


Cheryl said...

Those shoes are so cute! My friend bought some from Nordstroms and they are yellow and pink! SO CUTE!! She paid $45

Jessica said...

What those are cute! I wonder if they have my ever popular size 7, then I could wear them and when you wear a skirt I can put my shoe under it and look up your skirt!

Witter and Kway said...

Dang! Freakin cute!

samiandcase said...

i could probably get them in my size!!!! ( a small petite size 10)