Here's just a little somethin', somethin' I wanted to share of how I like to enjoy taking "action" shots. I especially appreciate how I was able to capture the greenery in this photo of Brett. It adds a nice touch. Don't be shy, you know you love it too...
Sami scanning thru her digital camera seeing what material she had collected thus far to post onto her blog
Jessie P.s famous "dive"
Brett, Me, Sambo, & Casey eating dinner & posing for blog pics all at the same time! Multi-talented we are ;)
More of my "creativity skills" with my camera shinning through ;)
The expecting couple for little Gavin any day now, Kridda & Aaron
Our beautiful hostess, Samantha Joy (P.s. I'm lovin' the Aviator glasses :)
The crew catchin' up on old times
Brett mastering the grill
Brett mocking my tomato cutting skills - he thought I cut them too thick...Pl-ease!
Rhett, Sambo & JP gettin' their plates for some BBQ compliments of Brett!
b, seriously all of those pics of me are hideous, but im loving the "action" shots, especially the greenery around will always be known for your "action" shots
Oh my nice to know that I actually look pregnant in those shots from the way I'm standing! Oh well we had good times and I love my unflattering bathing suit shots nothin like a good self esteem booster to get ya going in the morning right?
Okay guys hello! You BOTH look cute in the pics I took & posted. in my defense my selection was limited cuz I guess I didn't take as many pics as I thought I had. I wanted to make sure everyone got up on my post who attended the pool party!
Brit, Hey there just wanted to say hi and that I found your blog. Your house is BEAUtiful!!! OH my goodness I love it. You live by the mall so your close by me. I would love to see you some time. Maybe you me and Jessie P can catch up. Glad to see things going well.
This is the official site for Brett & Brittany Jorgensen. Brett & I got married on June 22nd, 2004 at my parents house. We were FINALLY sealed on February 17th, 2007. Woo hoo :)
Brett has two children, Kiera & Josh. Kiera is now a Senior in High School and is a Senior VP Officer! Josh is a Junior in High School and L-O-V-E-S computers just like Brett.
Enjoy your visit!
b, seriously all of those pics of me are hideous, but im loving the "action" shots, especially the greenery around will always be known for your "action" shots
Oh my nice to know that I actually look pregnant in those shots from the way I'm standing! Oh well we had good times and I love my unflattering bathing suit shots nothin like a good self esteem booster to get ya going in the morning right?
Okay guys hello! You BOTH look cute in the pics I took & posted. in my defense my selection was limited cuz I guess I didn't take as many pics as I thought I had. I wanted to make sure everyone got up on my post who attended the pool party!
Love ya!
we need to get some pics of that swimsuit of jp's know what one im talking about!
Brit, Hey there just wanted to say hi and that I found your blog. Your house is BEAUtiful!!! OH my goodness I love it. You live by the mall so your close by me. I would love to see you some time. Maybe you me and Jessie P can catch up. Glad to see things going well.
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