Saturday, June 14, 2008

Kridda's Baby Shower

Us girls kickin' it on the back deck at Sami's parents house

Sambo, Me, Kridda, & Hess

Here, proudly is our bubble gum babies we all hand made. Mine is at the very top...
I should of won the prize!

Gavin's bath robe I got for him - he will look so cute in it soon!

Me trying to be creative by taking a pic of JP through cellophane

Jessie P. enjoying our bubble gum baby making game

This is the adorable table setting Sami's Mom, Joy put out for us. Since Kridda is having a boy Joy thought that action figurines were only appropriate.

The girly's chattin' it up before dinner

A cute little birdy's nest made on Sami's parents deck. Can you see the 2 babies & one egg resting amongst the twigs?! So cute...


samiandcase said...

b, that picture of you and jp trying to be "creative" through cellophane is hilarious.

4 Week Slimdown said...

Yeaaaa~!~ Finally some new pics! I can't wait til you post pics of your new house!~