Sunday, April 27, 2008

Florida in March 2007

Mom & I on a sail boat in St. Pete - we went sight seeing for 2 hours to watch for dolphins. I was SO relaxed sailing for that long! It felt like a religious experience, honestly! If I lived in FL I would invest in a sail boat and do that the rest of my life...

Mom & I taking a pic of ourselves in front of the El Salvador Dali (art) museum in St. Pete, Florida

There are some days....I feel like doing this too!

If you look behind me by the water there is some sort of a crane posing in my picture. I'm not bird fan, but the birds in Florida were kick a$$!

Above is my newest sweet niece Amelia Jane Willey. She waited for me to finally get into town to be born on March 8th, 2008. She looks IDENTICAL to my older brother, Matt. She is such a sweetheart & she loved being pampered especially when I would stroke her forehead. I love her!

Here I am at the St. Petersburg beach in Florida. It was a pretty chilly day, but once my entire body became numb by the high wind speeds I was just fine!


4 Week Slimdown said...

That looks like a fun trip!!